Hotel je určený pre ruských hostí. Nikto nevie po anglicky, všetci hovorili výlučne po rusky, pokiaľ ste nevedeli rusky, neboli ste ich priorita. Celkový dojem je veľmi zlý. Nepríjemní ľudia. Pozitívum hotela okrem stravy bol ešte bazén, ktorý bol čistý a krásny.
The hotel is geared towards Russian guests. No one spoke English; everyone spoke exclusively Russian. If you didn't know Russian, you were not their priority. The overall impression is very bad. Unpleasant people. Besides the food, the only positive aspect of the hotel was the pool, which was clean and beautiful. I would never go to this hotel again.
Jedlo výborne, okrem zákuskov. Personál nepríjemní väčšina.
The food was excellent, except for the desserts. Most of the staff were unpleasant.
Stará izba, nezodpovedá popisu.
The room was old and did not match the description.
Pláž otrasná. Mala byť piesočná, ale všade boli kamene. Oklamali nás.
The beach was terrible. It was supposed to be sandy, but there were rocks everywhere. They deceived us.
Keďže okolie hotela a ani pláž nestáli za veľa, voľný čas alebo šport nestál za nič. Všade bordel.
Since the hotel's surroundings and the beach weren't great, the leisure activities or sports were worthless. There was trash everywhere.
Okrem koláčov a drinkov bolo všetko výborné. Jediné pozitívum tohto hotela.
Besides the cakes and drinks, everything was excellent. The only positive aspect of this hotel.